Annual Baltic Military History Conference 2024 Programme 


    OCTOBER 31




    Opening of the Conference 

    BG Alvydas Šiuparis (Baltic Defence College) 
    Mr Hellar Lill (Estonian War Museum) 

    Welcoming remarks by the Commandant of the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) and the Director of the Estonian War Museum


    Keynote Speech 

    Keynote speaker Mr Jānis Garisons


    Panel 1: Keynote Panel

    Mr Jānis Garisons

    MG Ilmar Tamm (Estonian Defence League)

    BG Alvydas Šiuparis (Baltic Defence College)

    25 Years of the Baltic Defence College and Its Place in PME  

    Moderator: COL (ret) Dr (hab) Zdzisław Śliwa (Baltic Defence College)


    Coffee Break


    Panel 2 : Developments in the Contemporary PME in the Baltics

    Dr Laima Bucevičiūtė (Vytautas the Great War Museum) 

    Changes in the Education of the Lithuanian Army During the Period of Accession to NATO


    Ms Nele Rand, MA (Estonian Military Academy) 

    Military Education System for a Small-State Army – Estonian Case


    Dr Martin Nassua (German Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies (GIDS), Helmut Schmidt University / University of the Bundeswehr Hamburg, Command and Staff College of The Bundeswehr) 

    Professional Military Education in Germany, 1919–2024 

    Moderator: Mr Hellar Lill (Estonian War Museum)





    Panel 3: Military Education in the Baltics During the Interwar Period

    Dr Igor Kopõtin (Estonian Military Academy)

    Russian Influences on the Estonian Military Education in the Early 1920s


    LTC Rauno Viitmann, MA, (Estonian Military Academy)

    The Influence of the French École Supérieure de Guerre  on Estonian Military Education and Doctrine During the Period 1920-1940


    Dr Kārlis Dambītis(National Defence Academy of Latvia / Museum of the Occupation of Latvia)  

    Military Education in Latvia 1919–1940: Transforming With the New Era


    MAJ (ret) Dr Gintautas Jakštys (General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania)

    Training a New Type of Officer at the Lithuanian Military School 1919–1940 

    Moderator: Mr Art Johanson (Baltic Defence College) 


    Coffee Break


    Panel 4: Experiences of Professional Military Education 

    Mr Valdis Kuzmins, MA (National Defence Academy of Latvia) 

    Creating “Mobile Corps”: the Latvian Army’s Attempt to Train Elite Units


    Dr Eric Sibul 

    The Estonian Armed Forces and Battlefield Staff Rides


    Dr Juris Ciganovs (Latvian War Museum)

    Training of Latvian Army Officers-Specialists at the University of Latvia (1922-1940): Military Polytechnic Courses

    Moderator: Tae Hoon Kim (Swedish Defence University) 



    Coffee & Gathering


    Roundtable Discussions

    On the second day of the conference, there will be round table discussions for invited guests and speakers. Further cooperation and possible joint projects will be discussed there.With more partners, developing international cooperation and coordinating activities is necessary for future projects.


    Coffee Break

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